2000 Miracle Yearbook

1bt: engineering and nursing corwoca- tions were held in the OMC the day before grnduation. Alumni Hall .,.,'a'i crowdc:d with engineers, nu~ friends, and fumily a<~ thcy~there.:ltoo:lmiTlelllOI"3etheac­ cool(llishmcnlllcithemanystudcnlllwhoW flnishedtheir engi· ncering and nurs- ing degrees at CcdarvillcCoi~'C- givesld a son of family time 10 be with those that we\·e spent the 13$1. four, sometimes fh-e ~·eanwith.M Dr. Zawxlney opened the engineeringcon- vocation by highlighting the many events that the students witnessed du ring their time Outside the recital hall,~! band compoM.od o( en- gineering stu- dentsandfnculty played 10 enter- tain the many Dr. IW<erandKclseyHintz.with hcr d:.ughtcr.talkwichafricnd. at Cedarville, in· eluding, "the big- gcstnon-evemofall time, the y2k cri- ~is." TI1en Dr. Estes encouraged the graduating engi- neers, saying, "You are not engineers who happen to be Christians, but you guests. Graduating engineering student are Christians who happen 10 be engi- Matt Plaatjesaid, "lt'sa time to reflecr on nee rs. four ~"ears with friends and family and Dr. Dixon rook rime out of trustee meer- bringrodosesomeofthebesttimesofmy ings rospeakat the nursing convocation. He life in a God-honoring way.~ rhanked friends, families, faculty, and stu- Nursing student Melissa House said, dents for their endeavors, for their .wppon "It 's an absolute relief. The convocation and fOf" their achie\'emen ts.