2000 Miracle Yearbook
SyYI encourager£ smai[ groups to "fean on" eacfi otfier toget past tfie newness ofcoffege fije. rr h~ m~n of Lawlor t~ke i1 ~1pon 1hcn•sd•·n wmakcncwstudcnts fed righ1athomc The Cedarville Collci,'C campus was a bu:z of cxdtcmcm as over one hundred volunteers welcomed in the class of 2003 :md man)' transfer student~ for the mmual "Gcning Swrte<l weekend:' After receiving warm smiles, friend])' helps,~ balloon. :md a pic tun:: with the Yellow Jnckct, their fiT$t experience as :• G."<brvil\c College st udent had begun. On Friday evening, the flm night on campus, new swdcnts were the honorary guesu:u the ''E:trly Arrival Parry."fea!Uringevcryth ing from human foosball to wad:y pri:C!I from the c11mpus r.tdio ' tatiOI\, U99.5. Sawrday afternoon brought the new studcms their first coli~· courses, including Ccdamct 101 and poimcrs in how w "call home~ succeslifully and effectively. To help with the adJuStmems:md initia l shock ofbcing in college, each new student was placed in a small group. The fun-loving SGA encouraged small groups to "lean on" each o ther to get past the newncssofcol legelife. Sunday morni ng the CL-darville College Fellow~hip held a specia l service for students and their families. Lucr that day, after giving hub'S and shedding tears, it was time to say boood·hre to p:1renrs and furnily members. As tht' event-fi lled " ·c..::kend came to a d~ with the taking of the freshmen class picture, the man\' volunteers lined the sidewalks, cheering the freshmen on, as if to offida ll y welcome them into the colleb>e f:unil\•.
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