2000 Miracle Yearbook
C/iris Freeman rdunaft~rd:osscswith ~g:.meofpool. S cfwo[ties ~riencfsfiips th:~r:~e;~;~;:~.:~~~n~::e~~;:~~~;~:r~,f~;:~~;~~~~~a~ at Cetfaroi!Ie ~:u~:ts~~~~w::~ f:i~:~ ~~n~;;;r ~i~: m:~~~~::~v a=:· :!:~:i~ college career, dc\•doping soc ial skills! Yes, spending hours at P rOvit:fe Chucb, weekends at a friend's house, visiting John Bryan for some time with God's creation, having a cup a Joe at Beans and Cream, Stud£nts ~:~7~~\~h~~; t~:k~ 1 at~~~~~:~~ all kept students away from studies -·.:_~_C. L-. L Cedarville furnished students with a unique blend of activities 'Wt:Crl- Sr:uti!J and a kind of residential life unlike anywhere else. Pick-a-dates allowed unmet lovers to become acquainted with each other. Unit 6utfi£ies, and halt activities supplied camaraderie among mates. Ma and Pa's gave students aquick pl ace to eat when Chuck's just \Po'aS not enough. weeC.entf Cedarlake gave the campus its aromatic attraction. The Rock '\5 furnished students with a bulletin board to post messages from • birthdays to marriage proposals. The cities of Dayton. Columbus, eotnpQ.ll.wns, andCincinnatiprovidedrefugetothosewhojO$twantedtogetaway. atu£ S irittuJf tia~:~~:e~~~~~~d::~~~t~:i~::::;:.'~:Y~~e;: ij1 Christian ministries, and Bible srudies all gave Cedarville students SUpporterS. :~~i;~t~~~~~~L!:a~t~a~~~:~~:~~~~~~r~~~~;,::~~ying J1tnnette Rubor. and Kelly Kolccny hav~JOmc funaficralongdayof J1t newtransfcrJtudcntcnjoys grillinghcr hotdogsatthc rr:amfcr picnic. 'Xf_[{!J H:>dinS'andSharon McMurr:aybondonthcirblowup chair.
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