2000 Miracle Yearbook

DRAMA DELIGHTS Autumn leaves and unseawnably w:mnweathersetapleasantatmospherc for thi s year's fall theatrical producti on of James Shcrm;m's Beau )est. As one of the highlights of Gr.mdparcn£5' week· end, this romantic comcd)' entertainl'(l tnuhipl<' generations. Director Gary Barker sa id that "We chose lkau }est because we wanted a lij;ht, family-friendly show th:n would be well-suited toGr.md - parcnts' weekend." Thisl ight-heancdpla)'tellsthcstory of Sarah Goldman's d<'5irc to please her parents · even in her dat ing life. S:mah's Jewish parents, Abe a·nd Miriam Goldman, want llOI:hingmore than their daughter's happiness. They bclic,·e, how- ever. that Sarah's happiness will only be complct.:: when she dares a ''!,'<XXI Jewish boy." So :as no t to dis.1 ppoint her pa rents, Sarah hir<'s an actor, Robert Schroeder, whom she be lieves to be Jewish, to play the part of bcr new boyfriend. Humor csc~•lmes as S:m•h le:m1s that Bob is not a Jew 1md has virtually no background in Jewish tradi tions or customs. Through- out a seri es of comic:•ltwists, tums, and developments, Sa rah rea li :es the value of 110lid fait h and honest rela tionshi ps. According to &trker, MThis is a fun, romantic comedy that explores lo•·e, fam il y, honesty, and belief. People will enjoy themseh-es.~ From the audiences' cons tant laughte r, it app<:ared that Ba rker was, indttd, corn-c t.