2000 Miracle Yearbook

DRAMA DEPARTMENT GIVES K-LESSONS The winter play, Robert Fulghum's "All I Really NctXI10 Know I Learned in Kinde rga rt en," w:1s a departure from the usual plot-centered pia)'· It con- sisted of a scrics of vignett es which concentratt-d on '"reflecting on life and love, growing up :1nd growing old to- gcdler ." Actor April Lucas described her roles, saying, "I did not h:we a static, concrete role. Each Kene was a different story, 50 at diffe rent t imes I was different things. My name was April throughout the enti re play, bot at one moment I " 'OUld be lh-e rears old. and a1 allOlhcr I \\"ould be m my late twenties or earl y thinics." 'Chrislmas,Na len tinc's Day' looked at an older married couple in which the husband \\'3 S IO!iing h is memory. '" ;md "Fathers and Sons' examined the tensions that exist in famil y rd:uion· ships. Actre~ Jennifer Wi shart sa id. " 1 think my favorite role was Donnie, the deaf boy who raked leaves for money. After he rah.>d all the leaves , he threw a few up in the air as he walked home...just for the joy of seeing them fa ll . To me, that says that we can all find something to enjoy in life-no m:ll· ter who we are or how many difficul!ies \\"e have." Daniel Pierre, whose brother jeremy was in the play, said, "[ liked 'Problems :md Inconveniences.' a scene in " ·hich a coll ege studem !cams from a Holocaust survivor what the differ- ence bet\\"t.'Cn a problem and an incon-