2000 Miracle Yearbook

Row 1: Michael Minahan, John Culver. Ju~1in Swanson, Laur:t Uvings10n, Clarissa Band, Brenon Christofer, Dan Miner, Scou Simons, Daniel Konopaso:k, ROW 2: Jeremy Law, Michael Dorsey, Joanna Robinson. Ryan Culpepper. Man Hermiz. Tim Coc:hrdl. Missing name, David Wenzel. Vanosa Baker, Jmcph O'Neal. Dir«IOr David Robey. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE THEATRE P RESENTS As YOU LIKE IT The spri ng phq• showcased Cedarville's finest as the Alford AudiiO· rium plared host 10 its final play in KA5 You Like lt .M Dr. David Robey directed the Shakespeare play, which ran for two weekends during the spring quarter of 2000. The play, set mostly in the Forest of Arden took months 10 prepare. Stu · dents helped by building tret>s and paint.. ing leaves, turning Alford into a vinual forest. The aging auditorium adapted well 10 the setting of a French forest. Parents, students, and area citi~ens came 10watch the play over the twowet>kends it showt.""<l. ~The pla~· was excellent," said senior Aaron Warriner. "Dr. Robey, the cast and crew all did a I'X>nderful job. It was probably the best play I've seen here." Srudents enjoyed the final play in A\ford before the theatre d~rtment would mo\·e to the Student Life Center. Student dramarurg, jason Pierson, wrote, "Many ri valries are evident in MAs You like It :~ court vs. country, realism vs. romanticism, the active life \ 'S. the con tcmplath·e life, nature vs. fortune, inherent nobility \'S. acquired virtue. Yet, all these rivalries are em· bodied and even reconciled in (the play's] central and dominating character, Ros;alind. She both mocks and revels in love, counsels and chastises other cha r· acters while maintaining awareness of her own failings and humanity, and laughs atlifewhilerealitingthevalueof contemplation." The final play in Alford Auditorium turned out to be a delight to all th05e who attended. Robey "~.Is happy to give the college a chance to see one of the Bard's pla}'S. "Shakespeare is a clever, intelligent writer," he said, "and many college students have never seen a Shakespeare play." Students, facu lty, staff, residents and parents alike were able to enjoy one last play in Alford before the baton was pa$Sed to the SLC.