2000 Miracle Yearbook
ORCHESTRA & B RASS CHOIR NUMEROUS NOTES There were many things thai cont rib- uted to the wide-mnging experience that Cedarville College provided its students. One of these contributions was in the area of music. Two specifi c instnnnental grou~ in which students participated in were the o rchestra and the brass choi r. Under the direction of Professor Charles M. Pagnard, both groups enrertainL-d and enriched the students that panicip.1tcd by playing and also the studenrs that participated by lis- teni ng. Represeming a wide r;mge of interests and pursuits. fift\'·five Cedarville studems composed the orchestra. In the p.1st, the orchestra pfOb'l"am had no consistem lead- ership and had to depend on various profes- 182 Am sors for its direction. Eventua ll y, orchesrm changL.J to involve only suing instruments. However, in the fall of 1997, when Professor Pagna rd took over its dir.:. .::tor- ship, he returned to a full-symphony or- chcsmJ. The pieces that the orchestra performed were primarily classical, but also include church orchesua ministry music and even pop music. The orchcsrm played at sevcml events during the year including rwo concert s homecom ing weekend, the Music Depanment Con- cen and the Twila Paris Concen. They also performed at the Fall Band/Orches- tra Concert , the Showcase Concen, the annua l spring Pop Concerr, and various
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