2000 Miracle Yearbook
M EN"S GLEE CLUB & JUBILATE SINGING PRAISES Jubilate and the Men's Glee Club ministeredtothehearuandsoulsofall whohadthc privilegcrolistentothem sing. Thegroup5sanga•·arietyofmllilic styles at variousplacc:sande.-enu. The stu&nu enjoyed a year of creating cloae friendshipsandgrowtngtogctherspiritu· ally through the ministry of music. From concc:ru to tour5, rhe studenu made .mmoriesrhartheywtllnotsoonforgc:t. Jubilate, led b.,. Dr. Whaley, ""liS a musical group of 44 •"OCalisu who ""ere selKtedbyaudttiontnthc:springand fall.)ubilatc:helpednu&nutolead"·or- r.hipinlocalchurchesand""liSnotjusrfor entcnainment ptJrpo$C:S. Justin Tubbs sa id. "Jubilatereallycausedmc:tolookat ""OI"$hip ina n<'w light. Dr. Whaley was very focusedon"·orshipandensuredthatwasthc focalpoimofeachconcen." Jubilate: took their annual tOUr tO Nonh and Sou th Caro- linaduringspringquaner. The Men'sGiee Club, led by Dr. Andc:r· 50n, hada.mmbership ofabom5{)voca\isu fmmavarietyofmajors. The•"OCalisuaudi· tioned for spots on the dub in Sc:ptember and May. Glee Club pc:rf<.>rmed on and off campus. from churches to spotting e•-enu. Their annual tour coruisted of three: con·
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