2000 Miracle Yearbook

f£ncfumted f£vening 'lJming m tfie 'lJ'lv(C anti singing mtfie sanctuary maf(es tfiis Walker ~ru Dubbed "AnEnchamcdhening,~the 1999 Homecoming Banquet featured Chicken Wellington and an after-dinner concert with 1996 American Songwriter's No. l Christ ian Art ist of the Year, Scott Krippaync, and father- son duo Aaron Jeoffrcy. For the first time that students remembered, the banque t was n01 held in the A th letic Center. Instead, studen ts ate a1 tables set up in the Dixon Mini5Uy Center as the AC floor rece ived another coat of \'arnish. To some. this alone was enough w make Homecoming 1999 a memorable event. "[ rea lly liked having it in the DMC, ~ said senior Jeremy Cunningham. "] thought that was a major step up from the A C." Senior Sarah High, who helped pbn the cvem, said that it had been hard not knowing where the banquet would be. "We didn't know officially where II'C would be unti l four dars before Homecom- ing," sh e said. "The ma in thing I' ll remem· be r is that we "·ere a lmost homel ess for Homecoming." For most of the ~niors, spending the c\·ening l.ahGombis andd~tcsprcp.Jtc tothcDMC foranighooffun! ~ .. with friends was the most memorable. '" I'll remem- ber it because it was the first time all of us b'Ot dressed up and "'em ou t wgether," Sltid ~nior Patty Thompson. For many ~niors, it produced mixed emotions, as they realized they were finishing their coll ege 1·ears. "Our em ire mble was full of ~niors, thinking that it W(tS our last formal tocether.~ sa id Sarah High. Senior Grady Peeler notiuod the hu- morous side of the evening more. " It "-as pretty mcmornblc whenjod cmne outwannounce Aaron Jeoffrey and accidentally started to announce Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Jeoffrey," he said. Other studenTS thoughttheconcen was the high poi nt of the evening. Amy Stowers said, "It was greal. The concen was very worshipful." At the concert's end, the aud ience joiocd the si"',oers in singing MShout to the Lord." Seni o r Andy H edges found it hard to p inpoint the highli gh t o f the evening. "The grea t food, inspiring music, and ,of course, the opponun it\' to spend time with a specia l person in my life all ca me together 10 make homecomi n g an eveni ng tO remembe r."