2000 Miracle Yearbook

AITP AITPprovidc:dMISand CIS majors with opportunities to learn about technology through 5Cfl1inarsandprojccts. Thc:Yhostc:daspcakcr from the tcchoology communltycochQIIartcr. They also had month!\' mcctingsanddc>.·clopcd v;cbpages. ALPHA B ETA PHI Alpha Beta Phlwasa national theatre organizat ion that worked to promote theatre awareness. To occompish this. thl)' invited guest prorcssiooal artists to perform oo campus throughout theyear. Row\: Clariw B•nd, VanCSS<l &kcr. Lmn Livingsron, Jessie:! Wagner Row 2: Grq; Davis, juon J'ici'S<)n, s..,ndon Chrinofer, J~rcm y R)-an Bro..·n,je..,my l'ierrc,DonMincr Row L:Ddumi-L.,.:hotc.lkr, Spcnc~· r•hclp•. Tim l'hipp>. Jol>nM>!IOn ,JotiCnmcr, Chri!Kcllchcr,lknK«n<r. N><<i'enningron Rowl: Mieh•IAnd<... M.nhcw Str-.lcy,Rand.allllouwono, N<iloVir>li,joxCiooonoi, DavidFrcn, JO<hu>Hyn<S, D.v~ M>nhall, Joxl T>ylor Row 3: Chris Rioh.<rll. Tim S.:igncur.TimCochroll,Joxl B.Adamo.ChrisHurchin!IOn, WiUWn Shdt<>n. Bm S.rurlcy, J.aoon£1.....tl Nocl'ic•ured: Drcwlkach,JuonHolt..nd. Andy Krum. Bm lyoru. MoU M.an.h.Advi!IOr-Or.M>~k M.O.in ,K<nShicuiUn ALPHA CHI Alpha Chi was a men's service and discipleship organization that strove to develop leadership. pcrsooality.andscrvant· hood in their members. Mcmberswcreinvol-.·c:d In individual and group service projects. with both the college family and community. They were: best kncM·n for their aonual Talent Show.