2000 Miracle Yearbook
Christ-centered psychoi- Of3wasthefocusof APO. They existed to provide a deeper t'ducatiooalopcriCtlCC inallfacdsolpsychol- ot;taodtofostttsocial ' interact ioo for psychol- ogy majors and minors ASME The American Socle~ of Jl.k<hanlc~l Engineers was ~ nationwide socie~ of engineers that provided a soorce forengincersandstudentcnglnt"Crsallkctoadvancc in thcir<Jwarcncss aboutthc:IXCupatlonofme<hanlcal engineering. Row 1: Ridurd Br~r. Kristy Mandigo. David ~och, Jonathan Manson, jeff &.nons Row 2: Trevor Cupples. Benjamin Ko.minski, ~brk Kitby, JennyEllior,John Hagley, lknFuronn A LPHA D ELTA O MEGA Alpha Delta Omcy was a wonu:n·s social sc:rvlcc: organiz.atlondcdicatedtothcrocooragemmtofthe .surrourw:ling community. college faml~. and fellow members. They al~ stra.•e to promote leadership <kvelopmcnt and godliness within the group. Row 1: Mdt;.... P~U..-.J~nnifcr Wulu" , FJiubnh Wolf~. lisa I'..X...,n, Andrn Patt<nO<I, Arn..ndo M.mg ... M<pn R....,.., Arnan<b MclciKr, Sar>h Oark Row 2: Sanh Rooc:d....,....JU, t.:dk.- CD<iy. 1.0... Whirdy, Ann• Cheyney. V111<Sal'oliani,KdlyKilli.>n,jandkfo.....,.rd.MovnEarky, Tonya Swir~r Noc l'icru1<d: Amy l'itJtick, Fanic Frm>nda, Kristin Kuhn, Nikki "Thomu, JulicM Swou, Michdt Vonlicr, LoriBungo:r,Adri>nnr8o•iek.Amy Poll>.rd Row l: Amy Comb$, Ann~hrieSw:arn, Paul Cheverc:,MmPedcrsen, Heidi McKdvry. Aml,.,r Corbin Row 2: April Wauon,EmilySp.a.ngler, Jenny Armour, Joy Heuer, R2<:hdlePaquin Row 3: Melissa Us.to, J:umine Robinson, Amanda&:.!;<'. R2<:hd Heffidd, Emily Elwell Row4: MauC..rr, Valeric:CI..us, Philip Tho<xn. David Reis.enbigler
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