2000 Miracle Yearbook

Getting Started. Lillie Sibs Weekend. and campusconct'fts. CCEMS CCEMS was tile f\ rsl colleglale EMS service in the U.S Thg op<."r.Jtcd a ful!f l'QI.Iipp.:d ambulance av;~ilablc 24 hours a~- whkh covcrt-d tile Cccbrvllle College campus and assisted with tile area tcr.~nship. CCEMS was a \Qilrtecr studcnt-M Ol'g>J1iz:fbl with EMT lxrsic.s. lntmncdiates. and Paramcdlo.. Thg strove to minister tostudcntst,mcctlngtah~ andspirilwl neais.. Row 1: TravU Hermann, Mich:ocl Kttdy. Josh Tramp. Row 2: Eliubnh de Boer, Biam Davi•. Juon Wendzd, Muk Collin> Row 3: John Lucas, AliciaAye...,JustinWood Norl'iciUrcd: ()d, Md)onald. RN, Oaw Carr. Jim Billock, Kyk Milkr B ARA BARA was an or~nlzallon for students who appreci- i!ledandpartlclpated In the visual arts. They visited studios of artists in the surrounding community and invitt-d them to campus for special pr~tatiOns. One of the highlights ofthcyc;~r was the studcnt- ~sored art show. where the college fami!f 11-as invitcdtoanahibitoftheclubmcmbcfs"OIITiart. Row 1: Mdissa Friao:n, Mdiwo Reyes. Ain= Arimura, J=ia Mao Row 2: Ron Bader. Michdlc Actemu.n, Ariel Smbuck, Sarah Mayer Row 3: Jcnnifn HolmQ, Mandy Md--"ughlin, Jod Cramer, S..ndy Bc:nncu,Jim Uotd, Royce Hunt Row 1: Andr.., Endirou, Aim~ Na•h. Rachd l'uc~u.RebccaNuman, NikkiThOIIlu,S.,.,h Schlich~r.MollyRnford, C.:""""Robom• Row2: ~nl.uC<,S.nhHigh, st.a..·nSr<phcn•.M..... M.,..rs..ChriJry Hdlin, Kanda« Kenyon, Mandy llbd. Rebcca LnrhenNn, Ben Nckon Row 3: Gr.ody r~kr, Caleb Smith, Scoot WaJk..,.,MidudR«d, Cabo Schlappi, Adam Ri=, l'•uiG....;I,,MichadCall Nool'icturcd: KanDoden, AmicPodm:>n,LisaK:att