2000 Miracle Yearbook

This organization that SltO\'C loprovide information and opportu- niticsrclatmtomlnlstry in medicine. They did this through speakers. soc:ialfuoctioos.and field trips. They also provided the science departmentwilhCQ!Jip- mcnt for labs. CHI SIGMA IOTA ThiSOf5<Jnitalion ill(rtastd thc;twarC'flcssofthc information training lldd through mrn~bcrship in AS IO. a profes51onal organlallon. and through performing one-on one computer training workshops. Row 1: Tami Wonman Row 2: lmunW l'ilgrim, J~nnif~r Cobb Row 3: Lisu Young, Kdly Rein Row 1: Heather Brown, Krini11 DeVinney, lisa Hockenberry. Amanda Lynn lkauie,IXbo..h Clingman,Mar:matha Rulx-rg. Heidi Kinnibu.P,.Sanh Dan~ll Row2: Linda Dannemiller, Sabri~ Sprin~r. AmOO l.NII. DanaAnglund,Mcbnic Rdxr, Michdc Bl,.lock. MidKIIc Moo~. Srxi Wcklon,Krisinfarmcr, Kathy Stcingw; WOMEN of AOO :>dvcrtiscforthcirdonut salcatthcCrttncCc-mtr in•hcjohnsonandS•. Cbirdomu. MEN inAlplu.Chi c:my their AI~ O.i n.·cctllan,Chrisla Preston.inohc Hom«<>ming p.aradc.