2000 Miracle Yearbook
D ELTA P I SIGMA OI'Swasai'."OOlcn·sscrviccaodsoclal organization that focuS«<onmt-ctingthc:nttdsofthc:facultyand staff of Cabrvllle College as well as providing social activillcsforthestudent~. Row I: Candxt: Dodge, Krisci High , Linduy Peccrson, Sar:aJoyEkv<:ld,JC>.1nnaHouck, l.auric:Taic,Sar:ah Dunn Row 2: Jane Ad..m, Smich (Advimr), Shanna Lcnhan, Lisa Kan. Kathf}'n Horen, Suunnc Eaton, l.aur:~ O'Donndl. t\:lmic: Gupcil, Aimee Nash, Jenny Troyer Nor Pioum.l: FJisabrthMorris.JmicaTcny E ARTH S TEWARD- SHI P ThepurposcofESOwas to promote understanding andapprcciationofCM:xl"s creationin rcspooscto tlldr~\'mi!.Gcnesis Z: IS. Thisycar.ESOwas invol\'n!wlth lcaf·raklng e..-ents.thePerrinWoods clean up. aldrcgc:llng ""*"' D ELTA O MEGA E PSILON DOE was ~ ma,.s scrvkc organization dedicated to providing opportunllits for commited college men to SCIVC communltlcs surrounding Cedarville. They sponsored the annual Cupid's Bash. which provided a Christian-ori(llted party for little: sibs wttkcnd. They alsoorganlzcdanannualcoatdriveforthen~in XcnlaandSprlnglleld. Row 1: Nick Schlappi, I.. .J.nu Fcrguoon, ChrUmphcr Buck, Ted Farrar, Robb Bun, Brian Shook, Jonathan Collins Row 2: lkn Thompson , jacob l'yla,jarcd Colenun Nor l'icrurcd: Danid Price Jr., Tony Ziel Row 1: Jcs.ic:~ Bu;ona, Mopn Whitman, Koric Z immerman, Ellen L:.bcr, Dcbor.~hOingman Row2: Chrio1inc Briuin,William U,ukhanh, Charis Nims, Anu.nda Kirchner Nor Pictured· Kimberly Eridon
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