2000 Miracle Yearbook
HOMES FOR LIFE Homes for life worked with H~b ltat for Humanity to buildhomcsforpt"Oplellvlng In unsafe conditions Thgusedthelrvarictyof skilk'dand less-skilled l'lorkcrstocrcalcQ!.Ialityhomcsforsupport recipients Homes for life had a heart for helping those unable to providcQIJalltyOOusln.;. Thcy selncss!Y"''Orkeddurlng their wed.rods to help those home own~s. Row!: S.ophcn 1-b,.ic:k, D•nnidk Hag<:n. Dana 0a¥io, Mict...d HoiJen Row 2: Erin Knowles. AlliJon HunK, Chrio<y Abb., KrUtin lXVinn<y, Shxbh Weber, MicheU~ C.,.ning. M<bnic Rd.rt, jnnn<" Moynihan, Hnther Brown Row): Tim Cochrdl. Zach wt...k<. Oan Montan~. J:ooon Smith, OaV<' G...., J><ob Ahbs. Joruothan fu~;<. Willy Bill, llob Kocher, ~n LLwnon EPSILON OMEGA EpsilonOm~ga. the .social work honor .society. promoled achi(Verllent in theareaof.soclalworkl!)' reco&nlzlngasocial worker from the commu- nlty,hooorlngastudent maforinginsocialwork. and presrntingatasocial work conference Row 1: Rd>«c:. G~pin1ki, Holly Kuhn, WcndyWilliarruon, Vanus;~ Baker, Ruth Back, KatllcrincWirmcr Row 2: Brian Coon. Clari- &:md, Andra Grttning. Shdky Yahan, PhilipShtw:r.rd.Matr Moou Row 3: Dr. Robey, Tim Cochrdl. Jus!inSw:m~n.Michael D<.>nq.Gn-gDavi1
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