2000 Miracle Yearbook
IEEE ThcCcdaJVilleCollege Stu<kntChapterofthe IEEEwasanorganlzatloo commincd to the professional~lop mentofelectrlcJI engineering students. This Included providing rcourccsuchas scholarships. access to technical publication. andstudcntcompctl · tioos. INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIPS International Friendships had the opportuni\)' to reach out to children fromdiiTcrentcountrles. They were abktobuild relalionshlpswiththcchlldrcnaOOtell thcm8iblestories. ltwasthclrhcart'sdesirc that these: children come to the Lord. groo• In Him. and. in turn. r(a(h out to others. Row\: MikeKibbc-,ErinW~r Row2: ~ Vd:uqu.n. Krisry M~ndigo. Charis Nims Row 3: Rcbda.h Huffm:lrl, Roy Mw:mgi. Joy Carl. Man Johnson INTERNA- TIONAL STUDENT ORGANIZA- TION Row 1: Mike Wade, Ndson Lewis. Robyn Dr....Jcr,Stx,.,lknn<'n, Bronson Hokuf. Roy Mwangi Row 2: Tim Gilrnour,Na<han Wrighr,J~Homback. CurtisS~rks,Arik Aktrixrg ISO promoted social Interaction beffi·ecn lntcrna!ional studcntsoo campus andthoscaround thcarca.primoli!Ythroug.h ®¥ter;-dirncrs.~a00 promot cdculturai:J.Iarcne: ss oocampusthroog.hout evcntssuchasthespecial ~ ii~=-~: .. (s'i Asian chapel. Row\: Andrcafrw~b. FtmmdaF~ Kikdomo Kolowok. EW.er Loh Row2: RoyMwmgi. P=Wari......,, (),hon Hod..tcdloer,Yaw~g
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