2000 Miracle Yearbook

KEA KfA was an or,;anizatlon for business majors to k:;Jm rnoreabouttlldrcarct'flldds. ltprovidcdopportunities to hear from v;uioos spt":lkt'fs. KEA also took part in anannualtriptovlsl t Washingtoo.D.C. Row 1: Rach.dl( !Xmon, 1\mand~ R:mholomcw. l.ucin..b Congdon, Hanouh Uhs, Brooke Ru~n. Sharon Bullock Row 2: K:nic Koeppen . Mandy Herd, Katie McGunnig:al, O.tisty Abm. Angie R.:ninSC'r Row 3: R~ Allen, Elicubnh Moon:, Kelly Boyd. Lori Wilmer. Sa,.h l.ci1urc Row 4: J:ac:kic Smith, O~n Dunham, Bob Kochc:r. Brian Aans.oll Row 5: R""' Tom1. Matt Dunn. Jared Appl~tc, Josh Ginh, josh FttKr,JocMulvan")' club.cnjoyawork night together B;ns,~rr,aChi Ddt:~ Nu mcmb..r, while bobbing for an apple.