2000 Miracle Yearbook
MENC MENC was an organization designed specificai!Y for music l-ducatlon majors. Their main goal was profes- siooal development . One of the m;~ln events of MENC wasattcndingathrce-d~professlonal conference for music educators. Row 1: H~nnlh Rivn:, Kathryn Robc,m, Phillip Tate. Sarah Murphy, ~chd Schuh, Mdan~ Slab:.ugh Row 2: Niklci Thom:u, Amy Harrison, R)'lln Einfddt , Tami Ellin~ton, Ken Borror, j(1ln w~•·cr Row 3: Jennifer Drcxd. Jennifer Cook, Amy L<wdl. Andrew Williams, Lyncnc W:ogrKr, El~h Gowdy Row4: KimHain, JandkCriroer,J<WphM~. Andrew Nyvddt. Julir Hmdtrson. Whiu>ey Johnson MuKAPPA Mu l<appawasa culturai!Ydivcrsc organizalloo com- prised of missionary kids and international students. Thtywerea social organization lkdicated to serving theinternationill missionscon1munity. ~'~"~ oll(;A_~"-'"""1 LITERATI litcrati"'a'Salltcraryorganizatlonthatsoughtto promott literary awareness and encourage the intcgra- tiooofChrlstianltyaOOculture. Row 1: Jennifer Apple, Cathy D~to, Robyn Hdfnn Row 2: Micdk Rrid&". J~ia Jacobowin. Rob Moll, NirolcSrou,Gracc Huber Row I: RobcnHin.c:hdman, S~>cyH i r>hclman, KuaAIIcn, HannahAilct•.Kcnncth Waldock Row2: Roy Mw.mgi,lauraCochranc, Hcari>crR<Hh, Kimberly Vodor,JaymcBro"·er, Kimberly Kct<crer. Kikdomo Ko.awo<c,IU<i<J..cbon, lauraHol•mann,Karl H~mbo Row3: Rachd Morri.,AnnWttks,Amy Zimrnernun,Debl>ieBuck, Todd Lindler. jeff Schumacb..., Tim Gilmour, juli•fa...,..n,RcbdW. Huffman,Mikc:Kibbe,lautio: Galo,j..IU.Ddhn.Knsri~
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