2000 Miracle Yearbook

PHI E PSILON BETA Phi Epsilon Beta was a service and social organization. The main focus of the organization was to help the Crisis Preg- nancy Center. PHI G AMMA PSI Phi Gamma Psi was a service and social organiza- tion. U allowed women to be involved in a variety of projects that benefited the college and the community. It was their heart's desire to serve the Lord in all that they said and did. Row l: Kacic: Fucrdl, Melisu. Roc:Kh.l.i~ D~vcnpon Row 2: Risha Scoc:kmn. Grace Hubc:r, Jocelyn )oMS, Ka...,n Hubc:r. Chris Gideon, &cky Cunningham Ro>.· }: Joy Hesccr, lkchany Hoff. Kelly Marsh. Shelley Yahar.~,MandyMulkn OFFICERS' CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Cadets in Air Force and Arn9' ROTC met for a Bible stu~ called Officers' Christian Fdlowship. It was part ofanatiOnalorganiUI!Ionthat all01•ocriChristiansto cootactandfcllowshlpwlthothtrChristiansatmilitary bases. Thccollcgebr.~och focused on ministering to and p~ing for cadets at other schools and preparing thcmforuniQ!JclswcsthatgrectChrlsllanslnthe military. Row 1: Ru1h Mcr«r,jon>than Burson, josh"" Danid, P"e Springi"h Row 2; Rxhd T urkis, Srcphcn Tid .. ..,JI, Ju.,in Wood, Tim Sunon, Heidi Kinsey