2000 Miracle Yearbook
ROTC AI R F ORCE Air Force ROTC was designt-d to dt-vclop future leadcrsofthcAirForccandbctlcrcllizcns for America. Throogh"'·eel:.lytrainlng. the cadets lcarnt-d skills essential to leadership and fundamental to the procrvJtloo of the nation. Through Air Force ROTC. thecadets~~:eretraincdtobccomctheinnucnual leadcrsofArnttiGJ Row 1: Jeonntc Brogoon, Adam Sticgdn>eitr, lim Sunon, Joel Robom, Eric Babson. David /\bolo, Srcphtn Tidwell, Ruth Mcrur Row 2: Man Snyder, Hen J'utoran. S<cphcn Bmck:m, Jonathan J. Burson, Nathan Mann, Andrew llillham, David Cabo. Brandon Dow PI DELTA PI Delta was a hospitality organization. Thq ga.,.e toorsofthccollegcfaciliticsandsharedtheexcite- ment of Ctdar\'ille College "1th \iSitlng g~. Christ- ccn\t'fed ~ring "'aS a~\~ a fool point or their "00. Row l: J~nnifcr Gr:uion, Laura Hununirt.Jeh, Ti<ha Tapp. Krim Morrio, K><hy Ddbu, Rachdlc Demon Row 2· Megan Milkr, l'am Bower, Bcth>nnc Whakr. Ann Wttks, Erin McD:onid, Shdky Yahara, Rd>tcc:a lr.uhcrman, Shawn S<cphcn•. Chrinina Whn<ky Row 3: Andrn E..dicou. Krinin O.Vinncy.Andreo l'mcrson,ll«a Blac:kburn Row 4: Mike Wade, Joe Mulvaney, Michael Ftrrigno, K"in ~rson. 1<3<1 Fcuch1, Cakb Smith, Tim Baiky,J:uonAIWdl Row I : Chris Ri~htill, KimborlyEridon, Brian Roc Row 2: Kris~in Schicrloh,Joo.nnaCarr, 1\my Rcno, Jtnnifcr Wa•~r.Rd:>c«:a IXS..ntis,Amand. Lynn Bauit', Kris1in Bollmcit'r, S~:ocit' Hennen Row 3 JohnHigginbmhamlll, TimSdgncur,Jod Manuanen. JodTaylor, Spt'nCtrl'hdps, Karl Hj~mbo, Tim Mohltr, lknj;lminMOOicr,Michad Fcrrigno.ColhyMauhcws
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