2000 Miracle Yearbook

ROTC ARMY Army ROTC tr~incd k:ak:rsl"orrhc2bln'11UI)' in preparatlonforthdr cr.mmissioningasofi'ICcrsln the United States Army. The skills learned both in ROTC and at Cntr.illc (oj"""""""'""""" bthcchallcngcof presenting the Gospel all 0\'Crthcworld. Row 1: lcrcmy Bouma. Kclsq rcrkins. Matt Call Row 2: Scott lehr ReM• 3: Amy Nchius.Anc!Y Blodgct . The Bee. Ben Mohler. Shanna Lenhart. Liz Morris Row l: DuMin Wal~r. WiGangi.lr.ohlbkcr, Ra.:hd Turkis Row 2: Johnny Rough,jtutin Wood, Colby Matth~ Mic:oh Hutchins, KcnnnhNid~n.john C.,mp<on SAE SAEwasaworld-wldcorganlzatlonofproft-ssional and student Cflglnt-ers. This org:mlzatlon provick:d a gat~ into the world of cnglnt:cring. jl,iany Cedarville students had the opportunity to spend time with professional engineers. Thcyalsopartlcipat«<in the W Coogrcss at the COBO Centn In Detroit . Row 1: G~ Rmh. Kri")' Mandigo, NdM)n l.cwi• Row 2: O~vid Dryc, O~vid Rench. T im Suuon, Nick Tuchol!oki, Richards........,,, D~vid Wol(. Mark W. Kirby. Grc:g ~illy Row J: Jonachan Man~n. John Haglry. K.:vin Borrics.JcnnyEIIiou. TimStoufn,A:.ronRo!h. Bcn~ccr.Ja.s~:Magnlt!OO SGA O FFICERS TheSGAofficcrssc!Vcd thcstudent~astheir t'IWcd.studCflt- led gOVt'rncmCfll. rcpresCfl t · lngthcnct.-dsofall CtdaiVIIIcstudt-ntsaod eliciting change on Cedarville's campus.