2000 Miracle Yearbook

STC STC was a professional organlzatloo for Tcclml- caland Profcsslooal CommunicatiOn majors. The Cedarville College chapterolSTC received achapt~achlcvcment ;w.'ard. During the spring..studt-ntstra\'cled to the 47th Annual Row !:Carolyn Spr.mkl~. Michdl~ Corning. Mdis.sa Reyes Row 2: Ch~rin Nims. Monica Thomq, Jenn Willis SIGMA PHI lAMBDA SPLwasasoclalserviceorgani7.atlonthatsought to create unity among its memlx-fs. Its gool was to SCrvt' the campus and community while building male leaders. In addition. Sflll\llfktd to dC\·clop a bond o( brotherhood that would last for years. Row 1: Andr~ O>eynry. Grady l'cckt, D•vid Hurison, Rog~r Swig..n. IWw 2: Junin Gttr. StC'Ve Rl;ock, Brock Wcs10n, Zy:an N~mc'. Manho:w Min~ Row 3: Bob lmz. Mich;od Tharp, je..,my l'im~. Josh Ginh Row 4: lanDickry,Ericlkn<kr.Timl'nuha,NickSp.:mlding ll.owl: JamesDc:aton. Rachel Morri1 Row 2 Sr~phcn McMurr:~y. Robyn Hdfncr. Melanic Sch«rchmidt,Al=ha Hagcr.JcnCastcll•ni, ChrisCi<kon, Kimberly F..1idon, Cu.y Ruffin Row 3: Gudrun Olon. J~nnW.Jix~.J:uon ()vc,nurf. o~ .. id l'~rlow. S..r.~h Fl~nu.S..rah High SPAN ISH CLUB Th~SpanishCiubmct totcthcrtopractlcc speaking the lan5uage and learn more ~bout the Spanish culture.