2000 Miracle Yearbook

UAA The purpose of the Undergraduate Alumni Association was to serve the alumni of Cl-darvillc College. Row 1: Erih Kipp. Amanda <XffinS"'· lknjamin Mohler. Rcbduh Grttn. Karl Fruchr, justin Gttr, Jodi Hurlow Row 2: Jennifer WiWn. lucinda Congdon. Rcb«a larhcrman, Amy Nyhuis. Sha,.·n Stopllcn., Rxhdk IXnton. J~nru Houch. AIOOn RttmtSm.1, JcnnifcrGr.uion,J.,.,Mulvaney Rowl: Jod Manw.~nncn,Rc;..aJUWright.lktsyLnrKII,Sco.r Simons. Andy Hedges, David Mowry, Srou W:a.lkcr, Emily McQuinn, Dan:y Fr.-dc.l.l;mn Mey-=.Jcnn Willis hardmfini.hani»ut. U99.5 U99.S wa~ the campus radio statiOn that ser.·«<thcstudentsofthccollcgc. They prCNI<kd programs d<Ji~. featuring musk. special n·cnts. :md live inter- views. They also hostt'd contots for llstencrs towinprizcs.wchasgift cerll fkatcs.tlckcts. andmusic CD's.