2000 Miracle Yearbook
team unity brings success Bui ldingonthe boood$Casonfromlastyear,the0.-darville Other leading scorers were sophomore forward justin Gt-er, Colleb'C Men's Soccer team's 1999 $Ca50n pro,·c<l to be who scored 5 goa ls ~md ass isted J, junior forward Roddy another boood ~·ear for the tc~un. In his $CCOnd year :1s co:~eh, Willi.ol. whoscortx!J goa ls, and junior midficlderTim Prusha Roger Swiga rt , who was the 1998NCCAA Midwes t Region and sophomore midfidder Ryan Rillo, "'ho each scored Z Coach of the yea r, led the team roan overa ll record of 10- goa ls. 1·0. In the Mideast conference, the Jacket's reco rd was 5-6-0. The co-captains and senior full- hacks for the team were Chri s Brock and Mike Moran. Brock was an American Mideast Con· ference honorable mention las t year, and Moran had played in strength was being f<JCused from the moment we stepped on the field 'till the last wflistfe." The Yellow Jackets s~ rtt.J the season offwith a 2· 1win in their first game at Moody Bible Institut e. The team won their homecoming game in out · standing fashion by beating Shawnee State 6-0. Ahhough they lost their every mat ch since he had been last game at Tiffin, t he team at Cedar\'i lle. performed well in the '99 The team's only other seniors were midfidder Dave season . As fre shman midficlcler :~ncl forward . Ju~tin AmhonyandforwardMattBicknc ii .JuniormiclflcldcrAaron Walling, said, "It was a ve ry pos itive and successful Cool.:, who was given a spot on the NCCAA All-American )'ear and eveq•one on the t eam seemed to get along Second team, had 9 goals lmd 8 assists for a toral of 26 points.
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