2000 Miracle Yearbook

continuing the excellence Cedarville's women disrnnce runners added quite a few 1he team finished in at least the tophalfo( all finishing teams. accomplishmcms to their lofty histOf)' this 5e350ll. Their Cedarville was chosen to host the :on ~•l National Chris- success is perh:~ps even more impressive considering the fact tian College AthletiC!; Association Ct'()55-C.ountry Cham- thattherosterincludedrnorencw members(scvcn freshmen and one sophomore) than returning mem- bers (seven· with only one SC· nior). In bol:h the Rio Omndc and Wilmimon lnvimtionals, the gi rl s wok top honors for the day. Not on ly did they win, but they won " cross country was a great/earning sxperl6nce, and I enjoyed gelling to knowfltlfH}'INIIJI " pionship. The race was run at John Bryan Suue park in Clifton. The team fl nished third. directl y behind pcrcn· nial powerhouses M:olonc nnd Spri ng Arbor. Coach El vin King, now in hisJ\styearatU.'<iarvi\le,said thathi s primary goalthisyea r in sty le. In both mces, the w:•s simply "to keep the mo- L~dy Jackets posted a clea n sweep, the first five places mentum b'Oi ng" from past seasons. Given the successful ove rall. season :md positive outlook for sc;~sons to come, it w~safc TI1ey pro\·cd dl 3t not onl y "''ere they cap;:1ble of nmning to say th3t the Lady Jacker.s not only continued their players • row 1: Jenny HeidenreiCh, Wendy Somers, Corrie Grigorenko. Kelly Reitz , Julia DeHart, Heidi Wright,JenniGert>er. Sarah Pollock. • row 2: Elvin King (Head Coach), Erin Nehus, Kristen Nichols, Joy Shakelton, Heather Jenkins. Julia Roberts , Katie Rulapaugh, Andrea Grigorenko. .....ill.... Anou:ncs