2000 Miracle Yearbook

striving past the challenges The men's CI"OS$ country re:ml cxpericnn.J a season fu ll of was th~ loss ofM:m," S.'lid King. "TI1:1 t defined the quarter challenges. Ahhough rhe~· finished fourth at the N:nional for us. TI1c athletes showt.-d a lot o( coum">e in bei ng able to Christian ColleJ,.>e Athletic Associ:uioo meet, they didn't pull the sea;;on t~octhcr." TI1c runners found themsckes attain their goal of goi ttg to the NA JA. "It was a linlc dis:~p- having to compete whi le the)' went through the grieving pointing," said jody Fox. "We were hoping 10 qualify for process. "Losing Man definitely hadancffcCI on the ream," nationals, but we did all we cou ld do. We left this year in the said Eddie Nchus. " l-I e was a top n•nncr, and I think the Lord'shands." ,.-------------, Headco:teh Elvin Kntgcmpha- siz~-d the fac t th:u the te:11n still had a successful R"<:onl. MWe h:~ an exce ll entsc;lson," hes.·uti."We beat 85% of the remns we rnn against. At thcendofthe}•e:uwe were not rnnked high enough tO b>Oto nariormls.bu tthe mcn's team was strong enough to be:u the " 1lle family·- of the Cross Country team provides a more fulfilling dynamic than the runnigng itseff. II seasonmighth:l\'etumcdout differendy if he'd been run- rung team that "~rs rnnk~-d thirteenth." would be worki ng hard right now :md doing hi s best. The tcamexpcrieno.·.d U"14:l"<ly "•hen teammate M:rn H:1dler That rea ll y encouraged me and g:we me someth ing to ~ § 8