2000 Miracle Yearbook

team spirit The 1999-l(l(X) bdy Jad:<'ts B:ISkcrball team pu t fon h a regain the intcnsit)' they had h.. 'ld during the first pan of good season. The women pl:wcd a 30 game regubr season. their season. As the Lady J:~ekcts neared the end of their While in the hcan of their :~ehedu le in January, the women season and faced \lO!it ·scason play, the women be-gan to bt-gan to experience some struggles and difficullies. After their regain thei r fire. gamconJ:-nuaryS•. the women hadpostedarl"Cordof!J-Jand They finished their rcgul:tr season with an ootst"J.nding had n.'Ccived votes robe m the NA IA Division I top 25. During pcrform:mccduringAiumni Weekend andc106Cd the regular the first half of rhcir seaso11, the se:tson with a vk10ry. The Lady jackeu exhibi ted their ' ' Q6 favniMJtJI coachings~ffandplaycrswcrc :~;e;: 1 ~na~c";~:~~i::l t~c; thtou(IJ sane h8lfl ;~~~::~~ ~~~~a::~n~~~)~~nd cmcro::d the l:mcr half of their ltn8s. butOMMIIIMJ Duri ng their three post season, the women began to hadagood)81fand season games, the women ~:::~~:~ ~~l:~;.ir weaknesses :md (JI9W doser togfllher. II :~{:~~~ ::~yec~~:::7:~~~ tre~~~~~~=: ;l::~t:t:~:e~ 1 ::~: L-------------' ::,~: 1 in~i~: 1 :Y 1::::::'~;~:~~~: tmablc to suswin the power th<'y had shown in th<' first half of loss in the final st'Conds of d1<' gam('. "'The "·omen played the season. Throughout the dry spell, th<' women demonstroted wonderfully as a team, :md I am prmKI of them,~ head players • rowt : PatlieSchryer. Stapl\anie Sch;inher. Amanda Por11H.TaraSwaney.Charlty Colt.AngelaSeeley.No61 Mc::Kinnon.Oeth 8unchllowaki. • IOW2:Assi$1antCoach JeiiOilon.Assi$tantCoach BobWilson.JerwlilerJones. KirstenRoNocti.Chrisly Herman, Julie Nourse. Student·l rainetOethW-. HeadColo:hKalhyFraese. AalillantCoach.Jo¥Woliams.