2000 Miracle Yearbook
'Ifieannuai fwmeanning paratfe alU!ws stutfents to aispfay their wor/(§ of creativity ana ftatures the Jcuon anoon chancten. Even the weather cooperated for the last Homecoming Parade of the 20th cen tury, with blue skies and Indian-summer temperatures. Leaves linered the Streets and a fall breeze drifted past the crowd as the homecoming parade marched through downtown. The parade's theme was ~Bridgi ng the Gap of T ime" and emphas ized the constants that hold true over the years. Alumni returning for homecoming weekend reunited on the sidcwalk.s of Main Stree t. Lining the street , students and alumni watched the floats head through Cedarville Participants in the annual march down Main Street included all fou r classes and numerous organizations, as well as Cedarville township organi:.ations such as the fire department. Custodia l Services ente red their first float, featuring a giant toilet. The freshman class entered the winning float, whkh showed the changes between the stone-age Aintstones and the space-age Jeuons. Fred Aintstone's feet po~·ered his car as he }"e lled Yabba-Dabba-Do. At the other end of the float, Elroy and Jane displayed their spacey ouri"its. The freshman win ended the three-year winning streak of the class of ZOOO, giving the freshmen a tolt of self-confidence. Al; freshman .secretary Becca Brummel said, "'ur float was really good, and it won!" Towns- people, students, faculty, staff, and alumni truly enjoyed the fall weather and the last homecoming parade of the century: "Bridging the Gap of Time."
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