2000 Miracle Yearbook

committed to the game The 1999-2000 Men's Basketba ll team knew effort to be 1he best that they could be as a team, but each they were going to face a rough season. They had los t individua l would ha•·e to examine himself to see if he met several key players from the pre••ious season. the indi•·idual goals. Another ~:Qa l that the team se t was The men faced a •·e ry tough schedule in what to see improvement in the team through dail y practices turned otll to be the last season for head co;~.c h Jeff Reep. and as the seaS() n progres.s<!d. Coach Reep feh that the In the latter ~rt of the season, Ret.>p announced that he would be resigning at the end of the season. As a team, they se t feasible goals that they would srrive ro reach throughout the season. They wanu>d to stri ve to be thebestthatthcycouldbeas " The off court Sllp8riences that/ shan3dwilhmy teammates will be lifelong memories. " various aspects, which included at hl etics, academics, t he t riumph of vic tory. baskctballteamachi evedthis goa l. Through hard work and team pl ay, thC)' did improve. Although the men los t seve ral games,thc team ne••e r let the opponents go wit hout a fight, and when and spi ri tua lit y. season. They played with a lot of hea rt and neve r The coaching staff felt that the re was a genuine gave up.