2000 Miracle Yearbook

backing the jackets A vita l p:m of the a !It INk.$ dcpartmem ;:n Cedarville The lll061impon:tm job for the tr:1incrs "''aS to try to pre•·ent College was the athle~ic tr:tincr bec;.usc every athlt>tk team was injuries from occurring. It rro•·ed to be easier and bcner for staffed with one or two trnincrs. The athletic teams, including an ath let ic trainer to aid in pren•nt ion rnther than treating mtffandplay.::rs,dcpcnOC'<I 1:re:uly ~-----------, the inju ry. However, when a :~~e:;~n~~~~~:~~~d~~~- '' It has been B gt8BI ~~~:e=t~~~:~~ :~a:rnti~~ h was the ir love for athlc ti('.$ experience to be a in jury and help the player in occupation of athletic tmining. "] love the people. Everyone in the at hl<'tic !mining program i~ awe- trainer for c11fferf!1nt rch:•bilitation. The student trninc l'$ traveled with their Cedarville sports re:uns and attended all the ir teams. II proct iccs. The ir main res!X)n- some: th.:: mhlctcs, the co:tchcs, sibilit ies were supplying wa- thc pro(cssors, :md other athlet ic tc r, taping, aiding rehabilita- tr:tiners especia lly. We :Jil have a common bond lx:twccn us tion, and comrlcting cv:tluations. Some o( the trainers because we cxpcricncc and underst :md the trials and joys o( were exposed to mhl.:tic training :IS players . "It's very hard lx:i nganmhlct c,".s.1 id j :~ek ]~a il ey. The tmincrs.,.·orkcddircctly "·ork to lx: an athlet ic tr:tinc r, but it is definitely worth it," pr.:tnrcslwk..tb.>llpl..)"C'rs fortlt~ u pcomingg..mc.