2000 Miracle Yearbook
match point TI1e Women's tennis team h:1<l :m exciting line up of "'llsbackontopol'thin~;swiththcirflrstwinninginthene:o:t mostly return ing players who had depth and experience. Head g:unc at St. Mount Joseph where they had a 9.0 vic tory. Co:.och Dr. P:lmcla Johnson "'liS very exci ted o1bout the excep- They then went on to h:l\'e thf('(' more 9.0 victorics in a tion.1lto:-am members this year. Fh·e of the players were playing row. The team continued to play well, with few losses. Most their flnal year at Cedan•illo:- and four already had d1T('(' 1·e:•rs ofthctc:•mmcmberswere retumingplayersand haddevloptxl of varsny experience. The number one player from last yea r. close friendsh ips with each other in the past years. They Ca5ey Ruffin, "'M back and con· continued to encourage each tinued to lead the te:~m. N()( onh• other and included the new did the team have experienced playcrsbutrn•rstandingfrc5hmen also. Frcshm:ul Amy Reed "·as the number three pb ~·c r, and Fresl1man Jennifer Roman made sixth phlce. "l\•e rea ll y enjoyed theexperienceofpbying college "1 haw learned a lot from the older, more experienced players thisyear. " Frcshmen on the team. Fresh- manAiisooWarrensaid,"lllis is my first yea r on the tennis team and [ h:we enjoyed get· ting tO know each one of the girls on the team. Each one has been a blcS~;ing and an tennis on a strong, compet itive encouragement to me m one team, and as a frClihman l have learned a lot from the older, way or another. They arc an incred ible group of girls who more experienced pb1·ers thi s ye:1r," s:1id Reed. The season work h:ud and h:wc a grc:u time doing it!" It ''ms an st;•rtcd off with a 5·4 defeat at C1rleton, though Ruffin did exceptional te:~m and :m exciting yea r.
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