2000 Miracle Yearbook

running-throwing-jumping The men's n:rdc t c<~m cxpcriCilCl'<l a successful season de· very di verse, but rhcy nct-d coch rnhcr. It's like the bod}• of spire :1 rocky start in which they los t three of their lx:st runnl'rs. Chrisr. ~ ~ It got a linle toogh toward the beginning." said co-c:~ptain Team members gave different reasons (Of running the Eddie Nchus. " It st.'Cilll-d like one thing after rhc next was racc,jumpingt hcb.1r,andthro"'ing thc hammcr."lfeel like hurting us." TI1c season impro•·cd frorn then on, however, and God's gifted m.:- "'i lh rhe ability to run fast," said Reynolds, junior Cliff Reynolds was able to conclude, "Some things "And for me, mnni r'lg is a way to release energy and h:rppem-d that m:.de it h:ud and fnrstration. l also enjoy the challenging for us. But it "~lS a competition and gelling to i,'OOd scaoon for me, and ovcrnll ' ' I enjoyed the know people." Team mem~rscredi tedpart of their succf.'$$10 strong le~dersh ip. "'Pete [Bednarek! did a really good season...every year. it was fun running with the guys. " M l ii"IY team member s foundtheindividualityoftrack appealing. ~You practice per- S<mally and tben go 10 meets job of providing direct ion and m\Cl flndoutbowyousmckup. unity," sa id Nehus. Freshman In mos t other te<un sports, if Drew Nelson :1greed. "We met at you bave a bad day, your tt>am- his house a couple of times, and Pe te gave devotionals," he said. mates c:m help you. B-ut in tmck, it's just you," said sen ior "I thouglu it was imercsting because he drew a spiriwal analogy Shawn Graves. Drew Nelson added, "Personally, I think Alai'IBrudef,Nale Jer>kint.AdamHai,Srevt~ Wakelield,Artay Hayes. (SUindingl·r) HeadCoach PauiO.cl\ani,Managet Dan Fosle<, Ca~ Traub, Shawn Graves. David ~.BriiiU! Bohnbadlef. ArtayPaugll, ErlcYNrley,Cit!Reynolds. EddieNehus.Jaoob~. 11""- Or-Ne!M>n, JoclyFox..