2000 Miracle Yearbook

good clean fun Tius ye~r. :approx1m:ucly 57% olrhe student bod~· p~rtici· posttlVeMX:ial mtemctioruamongstudents and created many pared in mtmmuml.$f!Of1S and recreational activities. Each quar- opponuniues 10 ck•·dop and maim:un dose friendships. tcr, Ccdarv11lc Colll'(,'C offered a "'tde mni,>e of athletic actt\'itu:s lhcy providl-d studcnu a pos11wc ph~tcal omlet for their bo.uh -up stress; they created wonderful orpor1unines for Manyteanl$ reb'I'OUped th is year man effon to finally gain the students to <kvc\op a scn5e of belonging with others on championsh•ppolimion,orjust forfun.Women'sJ-on-Ja nd5 -<)fl- campus and develop a 'team' fee l. og. They also provided SbaskedJall champions"Go! M1lk!" Of>pOrlurnuesfcxstudentstode· m:unr.ained their three-year wtn- velopthechouacteristicsollead- ning streak with almost the same ershtpandteamwork;tht-ypro- tcam. They bdievt-d that good ,..Jed opponunities for studcms spor..smanslup was the key to their team. KWe striv~-d to be Christ-like lx."Causebuildingrelationshipswi th other guys, winning was not everything.." toexpcricncetheexcitementof hc:~hhycompcution."Mathe"-s $lid. Poor >pCHUrnamhip was ouropponcntsw:1s moreimpormnt discouraged as each team th:m winning," they sai d. r.."Cicved a spons~T~anship r.ning Mark Mmthews, Di rcctorofR<."C· by the n..fert•cs aft{'!" coch game rcational Acti,•iti<.-s felt that intrmm1rnl sports "'ere valuable for A low ovcmll sponsm:u1ship r:~ting kept SO!ne to:::~rns out of :1number of reasoru. "[lntrnmurol spons [o::nc01tr:1ged our studen t$ rbyoff contt'lltion. l11e over all purpose for the programs was to live oc tivc, healthy lifestyk-s and to be b'OOd ste"<~rdsover the th.~t. " ... they pro•oidc opportunities for .srudcms to have fUN: