2000 Miracle Yearbook

THE 2000 STAFF PRODUCES A YEARBOOK After countless hours of production, the 20Cl0 Miracle Staff, comprised of over thirty,fi ve members, rested with the satisfaction of having completed all of their responsi· bilities. The staff was led by four editors, Emily Bohl , Ben Gayer, Rob Moll , and Catherine Wayne. In addition, Krista Warder worked during fall and spring quarter as an assistant edi tor, cont ributing signifcandy to layout , page design, and photo manipulation. Jessica Haynes served as the administrative assistant throughout most of the year. The staff members attended weekly meetings and com· pleted their work independently. Mrs. Cyndi Messer served as the yearbook advisor. In addition, Mr. Terry BEN GAYER lAYOlfT E.lliTOR ~ """""' CATHERINE WAYNE £>110TOGRAPHY EDITOR RosMou. Coi'Y E DITOR KRISTA WARDER AssiSTAl'fl EDI TOII