2000 Miracle Yearbook
PU:atiSfler The 2000 Mir:~clc w:as published by joSIC:ns, Inc. h was printed at their plant located in State Co\1~, PA. Our Jostcns rcprcscnt:ltive W2S Tillie Billhcimer. Our plant representat ives WliS Tom Yomosh. eoYe£ The 2000 Miracl e cove r was an Crnftline cover, printed on Mane Black 480. It was rounded, sewed, and bound. The front and spi ne lem• ring was embossed and screened with Pantone color 402C. The tip-on was primed in four- color process ink and applied by Jostcns. The cndshcets were primed on Sterl ing Si lver 420 with black tex t on the front endsheet. pape stoe The2000Mir:~cle's304 pageswereprimedonGlossy80# paper. col e T he 2000 Mir:~cle contained eighry-eight pages of four- oolor proem ink and photos. These pages were located in the opening, activi ties, senior, and dosing sections. The senior section conra ined a textu red background applied wi th Pamone colo r 402C. design The 2000 Miracle cove r was designed by Emil y Bohland Krista Warder. The opening, dedi cation, dividers, and closing were des igned by Krista Warder. Section layouts were d es igned by Emily Bohl, BenGaye r,and Krisra Warder. tnem The 2000 Miracle theme, Lux SuM, Latin for I AM THE LtGitT, was selected by the edi tors of the yearbook. It was chosen as a reminder that despite the unknowns of a new millenium and cr.~, the trut h that God is the ligh t of the world remains unehangelcss. In addi tion , the cal l and need fo r Christioms tO live their lives as a reflection ofGod's light in thedarkncssof thisworld is still a reali ty. In theyear2000 and beyond, it was the editors' hope and prayer that the CedarvilleCollege st udents, faculry,snfT, family, and friends would remember this truth and live their lives in the Light. '" ~ The 2000 Miracle was produced on IBM compatible computers. Layouu were produced usingAdobe PageMaker 6.5. Photos were scanned using HP Precision Scan. Photos were cropped, res ized, and manipul ated using Adobe Photoshop 5.5. Text effects were produced using Adobe Photoshop as well. Copy was typed in10 Microsoft Word and then imported into PageMake r. LY-J)eSLaJ)h.Y- The 2000 Miracle contained a variety of fonts throughout the book. The cover, dividers, folios, and captions were printed in AdobcGaramond. Stories were printed in Goudy II point. Headline and highlight forl!S varied by section: opening- lTC Zapf Chancery, activities- ITC Zapf Chan- cery, chapd-Garamond Light Condensed, academics-Pari- sian, .scni ors- ITC ZapfChancery and Americana XBd BT, underdassmen- Parisian,arn-CopperplateGorhic Light,min- imies-Parisian , o rg:miutions-Copperplate Gorhic Ligh t, athletics-Aria!, dosing-ITC Zapf Chancery and Ameriona XBd BT. PbotOS-rab~ The 2000 Miracle photos were taken primarily by staff members. Cover, opening, and c\osingphmos were rnken by Kim Leverson and Krista Warder. Ministry and organiza- tion group photos were taken by Evan Warble and Rich Orrnanowski of OaVor PhotOgraphy. Graduation photos were taken by Evan Warble ofDaVor Photography. Sports team photos, play photos, and concert photos were taken by Scott Huck, SmfT Photographer for Cedarville College Pub- lic Relations. In addition, additional photos were taken by Scon Huck as credit ed on the pages wherc th is occurs. ·nquiqe Thc 2000 M iracle may be contacted for additonal infor- mation about its production by writing the staff at Miracle, Cedarville College, 251 North Main Street, Cedarvi ll e, OH 45314. They may also be reached through e-m:.til ott mirade@cedarville.edu .
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