2000 Miracle Yearbook

To THE 2000 MIRAOE S7,UF: 'WlJTEAS, I'HOTOGlAPHERS, AND ~YOUT MEMBERS, 1hank you for aU your hard w01k and dcdicadon. This book could no1 Mve been made: wi1hour c:ach o{ your con1 ributions. To THE U.YOllT STAFF, I pnricubrly dunk you for your ex:ua c:lforu 10 do aU that you could to hdp. It W2S fun working with you and getting te know each one: ofyou. To F.,...CH Of THli!DtTOilS, 8tN, RoB, AND CAT, 1hank you for doing such a wonderful job overseeing your naff and c:nsuring that your portion of the: book was done:. The: book could not have: ~n done: wi1hout each of your hc:lp, and I gready appreciarc: your willingnc::s. to take: on 1his job and s1ick through i1 . BEN, thank you panicularly for all your hud work. pa1iencc:, and friendship and for all your assistance: at skadJ.iM times, especially at the: c:nd of the: yc:ar. To KRI STA, thank you for your ingenious ideaJ, creativity, and willing- ness 10 hc:lp our. -t was so glad to have: you back at the end of 1he yc:ar aswdl...wencededyou! ToCYNOl, thank you forallyoursupponand encouragement throughout 1he year and fo r taking such an interest in helping 10 make the yearbook the ben it an be. T.. anks 100 for your hdp with all those proofs! TO MY FRIF.Nl)S AND FAMILY, thank you for Hsrening ro my yearbook joys and trials and for always bc:ing suppon- ive. I love you. AND TO THE CEoAR.VIu..E. CoU.CE fAMILY, £hank you for sharing in these: metDOiio. May you nc:vc:r forgC'I your experiences ar Ceduville and may you always ex:peric:nce God's ligh1 in your life. In Christ, 'Dolly