2000 Miracle Yearbook
<JJas/(!,t6a{( is • bit more challcoging,aodnu~ehmorc humoi"Qus whcnjillllurt,hcr brother, and friend Na,;olichavc 10 wc~rt h l'$shor$. Jtmerican Gl~iaton: • t C..dorvillc College~ inter 'Bfast SfwWing sib~~:.~ ~~a::~; t 1 ~o~~;,sscd~:~~i'f :r:::;~:~~~d n:' tv:; :~;i::~~ oa 6rotliers ::r;~~:~~;,~x;~~:~rs:~~~;~~~~nb~yv~:;r: 1 ;~r~~:~;~vc;;~~ ')} didn't my parents stop having kids after me t How could they have anti sisters possibly come from the S3nlC two people [ came from t Younger is a higfziigfit for 6atfi stutfents ana sifi[ings. sibl m~:s were alwnys domg thmgs to get their older sibs mto trouble. However, when we movL-d a""<~Y from home, their innuence on us w:ISgrcatly minimized. Our perspective changed. We could better :rppreciatc thei r diverse pe rsonalities, ama:ing ab ilit y w amuse us, and knack for a],.•ays finding trouble. Whether four or fou rteen, six or sixteen, they will always be our ~little" brot hers and sisters. In light of this ~new appreciation" gained by college student$, Cedarville continued the tradition called Li'l Sibs weekend. Stu· dents hract-d themsckcs as once again their little sibs took o•·er. Act ually, Li'l Sibs "ttkend provided an opportunity for an incn.-d· ib le bondi ng experience. Students got the chance m have their yot.m~r siblins,"S stay in their rooms and fol low the en around campus fO!" the weekend. In all seriousness, having little sibs 00 campus brought a lot of enjoyment for Cedarville students. Aside from the f:IC t that it prov ided diversion from the never-ending smdics, it was :m·esome to see fumi\y a~;ain, even if they were \i'\ sibs. Cfrris.sy lkdfnrinand her roommatcDaniclksllow her ~tcn:whatdormlifcislike.
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