2000 Miracle Yearbook
'TUJifa Parisministcrsiusons tosmderusand al unmi alikc durir~ghomecorningwcekend. Throughout the acedemic yea r, va rious arti su visited the college to entenain and uplift students. Some groups and individuals like FfH and Twi l r~ Paris used their voc:•lt alent s to minis- ter 10 the entire col lege fami ly. C;uillion lk•ss and Ira Stein also came, utili zi ng :• variety of ins truments to play many different tunes. Michael Card and Chris Rice came wi th a few back up artists but primarily played and sang origim•l music. HI liked the fact that Chri s Rice sang his own songs and played them for us on the gui tar and piano. I thought it was an excellent concen,H sa id sophomore Nicholas Schlappi. studcntsforthc sccondsoraight yc~r at Cc.hrvillc(abow left).
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