2000 Miracle Yearbook

In tfze TWIRP was the acronym for The Woman Is Responsible to Pay. This term referred to the init iative of the Ced~rville women, who annual during the designated week, arranged and funded their dmes . The kick- offevent for TWIRP week was the ~umua l T~lcm Show. ;Upfia C/ii ~~~~-~:=~.~h:h:v:~~~~~~~~~a~~~~o:;,~r~ 1 .:~~~;~ ~~;~~~s;~~ talent sfww, ~na:~~~~ ~~~~~~·p ;;:~~~:~~~~~e~~ ~~c~;a~i'~:~~~~: stutfents provUfea awilfe variety of entertain- and giving out gift certificates foe local resrournm.s. The performances of the evening included a large variecy of srudenl5 and displayed a wide range of ralem. Taking first place in the musical c:negory was the l,'fOUP that called themsekes Guys from Lawlor. Their piece enti tled, "Dear Sister," w~1s wrincn by a member of the group and reflected on the strugg le that many gi rls experience with eating di sorders. The musical performances rang~d from singing to saxophone :md even included an electric violin. In the category of non-mus ic;~l talcm, the Cedarville Martial Arts Min istry T earn won first place. Their demonstration lncorporntcd forms of jousting and kid::boxing, with a performance by the Brocksueet Boys. Other non-musical performances consisted of drama, computer animation created by Shave Sevo and Matt Plaatje, and a ba lancing act performed by John Myers.