2000 Miracle Yearbook
"l ru!ly~njQYCI:wCiash beauso:ir's~nopponuniryro inre.,.clwithpcoplcfrommy ~::;~::::!'~::.~·.~·s~~- JuniorBri~nNd~ tudents get invo[ved Introauc- ing one's tafent to tfie stutfent 6oay prove/ to 6e fun ana enjoya6[e. The darkening olthe auditorium, the anticipation ol the audience, andtheglarecithcspotlightalladtkdtotheoccasionolthcevening. The New Student Talent Show pro,·ed to be a pleasant disuoction from thetypicalhecticscheduleofstude nt life Tile talent show took place in the Ced:•rvillc Opera House, with freshmen and mmsfcrs composing a mwl of eleven ~;roups of performer$. Thc prescnt:Uions throoghoutthcnightevidenccdthcdivcrsity ofthe students. Acts r:m1,'Cd from original 1,:uitar ba llaili to (X>elic oral inll:rp~ · l:llion. E.achpcrfonnanccwasun ique,as$1udentSCOmpo5e(!manyolthe pieci:S thcmseh·cs. One particular performance, "Steppin' on the Clouds."sungbyafemaleacappellaquam•t,wailsolivelythatth~ audi~roc~ got caught up in th~ ~irit olthe song , and a wave ol clapping hands and swmping feet swept throughout the building. Ouocklrs o( amusement and bursts ol outright laughter cam~ from the, audieroc~ during the, lip-syroch ol two 5elecrioru from the, Broadway musical MYou'~ a Good Man, Charlie Brown.M The students performe-d the, routi~ so "·dlthat the group portraying 0\arlesSchult:'s MPeanu ts~ gang won flm place in the competilion. Judgc:s~lected "•i nOC"t"S~ onperfOfiTiancc,quai Lty,and O\·e!"ll ll act. All the, groups illustrated remarkable talent , and the judges had a dillk.ul t time dt:dd ing on the mp three. The students did an excellent job of grabbing the attent ion o( the audience and then rnaintllimng that attention throughout the course olthe e•'ening. Crdarv.lle'locw srudents cxpreMC."d nQf only their ability, whether musical or orherwi~. butalsothciruniquenessasindividuals. "'"J!i.t. ukntihowwasagrotw:>y ro grt some of the: new peopk involvedandgiwthc:machanccto show(Mbrville the talent thq ue bringingin,"notc:sManBell.
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