2000 Miracle Yearbook

Comfort through Trials l1le Fall Bible Confell:oceisdiffcr- ~nt than the others duringtheyear. lt introdoces new stu- dents to the oollcg~. Freshmen receive theirfirstglimpseof college life at Ccdarville.andtrnns- fers get to compare Cedarvi lle and its views to othcrcollcgcsand uni•·ersi - ties. Torctumingstudcnts.it provides a tra nsition from summer jobs and ministries backtostudying. Sornctirnes. retumingstudcmsseeancw look tothccampusas theeol· legeoontinues toexpand. This year. theoonfell:nce l.:luochedCedarvillestudents into a new school year with OJ. David Jcll:miah was the speaker. Dr. Jeremiah has a unique re lationship with Cedarville College. Not only aformerstudent.hewasalso thesonofChaocellor Jamcs T. Jeremiah. As a student. David Jeremiah' s interests !;"urrently one of the college's major ootreach ministries. Dr. Jeremiah gave the college fami ly somespiritualadvicedur- ingatoughtime. lnthcfirstchapelser- vio:e of the year. students leamcdhowGod hadbeen work ingover thesummer Van and motorcycle acci- de nts. along wi tht hcpass- ingawayofmcmbersof thc co llege fami ly. t-ompc lled studcntsand facu ltytotum to God . Dr. Jeremiah. explained how hardships makeachildofGodbctter able to sen·e others: and though God' s plan is 1101 alwaysevidcmduringdif- ficulttimcs. His goals will be manifest. The 1999 Fall Bible Con- "God's man, living in the center of God's will, is immortal until God is finished with him. " Special music is a highlight lor the Fall Bible Conference. -Davitt jerrJmiah