2000 Miracle Yearbook

The First and Greatffit Commandment ... joe Stowell always brings a h~ahhysrn~eofhumorto the pulpit. Mission:uies com~ from around the wotldtopllniciplltl' in andatt~nd Cc<larville'sannualspringoonfcrena. Without boundaries. This is how Christ would ha•·c us to love Him ao; well as those in the world around us. In this year's Winter Enrichment Conference, Dr. Joseph Stowell, President of Moody Bible Institute, opened the eyes of the Cedarville student body to what it meam to love without boundaries. Using numerous practical examples, he made clear the many ramifications of adopting Christ's unconditional love into one's life, andnearlyallstudems felt convicted by his powerful calls for change. "Lost people are not our enemies," he said. "Our greatest enemies are the gods we will not give up in our own lives." Indeed, students fe lt urged to rid themselves of those idols in their hearts that had long pre· vented them from lov- ing and day night's message gave evidence to the power of his utterance. Freshman James Millerwasstruck by the fact that, "Dr.Stowell did not point out specific things that we should or should not do." Rather, he learned from Dr. Stowell that, "our love for God should take precedence over our love for our earthly possessions and desires." According to Stowell, this precedence will help us to determine the specifics. Certainly, everyone gained a new perspecttveon those withou t C hri st from Dr. Stowell's moving stories and c hal· lenges. Dr. Stowe ll 's mes· sage will long remainmstu· dents' hearts and minds, anditwillcon· tinue to im· Keynote~~~ Jo.. Stowell shara insighu wirh pact thei r thccollgefamilyonhowtoliY<"forChrist. world view. Hopefully, we The overwhe lmi ng response to will never lo•·eChrist or oor neighbors in the the altar call following Thurs· same way again.