2000 Miracle Yearbook
Preparing Leaders Asthdleadtorofthis co llege, President l'aulDuconcouldOOl ha,·echow:nabeuer topictobethefocus ofh,~;Mondaychapel messages for the 1999-2000 .sehool year. With the influences of leaders such as former president james T Jeremiah,Dr.Don Scwell,and theprcsidem ofOi~on'salma mater.Trn~Temple,Dr. Lee RobeQOfl, Dr. Dixon's path toh•s po$Ltion oflead· enhip ..·asaclearone. Dur- ingtheycar,hewastheone inlluencmgandencouraging the students to walk along the same path and to adopt thesamcmissioninlife. He waspassingthctorch. Combining his own per· i!Onalcxperi cncnwithBibli- cal principles, Dr. Dixon pour«! out his kno..·ledge of leadershiponthesmdembody. He feh dmt there "'OUid al- waysbeagreatneedforOuis- uan~rshipmallven~of life. Htsdesirewas that the miunem robecomingO.ris- tianleaden inthet"'emy- fir.;tcen!Ury. Hism~'tincludrd topiawch~MWhoa LeOOer ls,~challengingthutudenu rotahgreatp;~insrobuild 1heir character 10 1h~t 11 TT>OdeledChrist. Humilit y, i:enuineconc.,m.aservam's 1--=-,...,,..... spirit,agenuinelovefOf people, intelligence, vision, imegrity.andapo5itiveat- titude"·cr~just:ofcwofthc trniu ();~on 1ouchW upoo. asvital roalca<kr'smakcup. la!crmlhe)·e~r.during spring quarter. Or. Dixon madcMWhlnal...eaderDoes~ the focus of hts chapel messagcs,challrngmgev· eryone 10 adopt a purpose or mission in life and to look tojcsusasthemodcl mis.sion mahr(John\7:4, Lukel9:10). As an ove rview of his l"ear-longchapd~ rieson preparingChristianlead- eOOip, Dr. Dixon$3od, ~Be ingaChnslianleadcrhas always been a dofficull rask. but by God's gr.:acr, we can be.~
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