2000 Miracle Yearbook
" l fyoua..,goingtobc:U5C<.lof God,youn~ustbcal"'n<>nof values."prodainuDr. Dixon. Knowing is Doing E••ery ye:~r. the Btble dcparunem sponsored the Sta ley Lcctureshtp Series whtch "':IS helJ durmgthechapdhourmthejererntahChapel. One speaker w:u hrought m e:~eh \"Car to share ""'ith the smdem body. Dunng " 'mter quancr, Dr. Stl·•·en Garber came topri'5Cnt hts !iCTtesofSnalcy lccltlres. As a professor from the Amertc:m Sn.dics Pr~"'un "'hich "-as spol"l0601"ed b1• the Cooli· tion of ChnstiJn Colle~ocs :md Universities (CCCU), he had a platform from which to addressthestudents conccming••a riousi.>:~ues that confront t<xby's culture. Hchddto thef:tct that ifthcmc:ttaround us isrouing(the<k"l::tyofthc mor:tl fabric). i! is the fault Christians who have been called to be salt ~nd light in thi s "·orld. Garber ""~ntt:d students to gmsp the f:tct thatjust s implyh:tvingknow ll-d~>cstoredaw:ty ts not good cnou~:h. "To kno"' is todo,M he said. M ... h"sastepinto"·h:u l·ou\x,l,e•·e,"he """""· S ince 1998 Dr. G~rber had held the post· tion of Scholar in Residence for the CCCU. He had " 'rillen the book, Tlte Fabric of Fal!h· fulneu, which was popular in both c hristi:m and sc.'Cu l~r institutions of higher learning. In an effort to motivate students w sr:on acting in accordance with their \x,liefs. Garber ash-d. '"What part of the world has God called you to love!'' Two Cedarville students, Michael Ferrigno and Aaron Mercer, mtcndt-d the Americ:m Studiesprogmmduringthcfallscmcstcr where they sat under Dr. Ga rber's tc;~ching. Michad Ferrigno commented, '"Dr. Garlx·111 k'Cture 011 Christiall t('l;ponsibility h:tS both encournglxl ~rnl challcnb>ed me in numerous ""~ ys. " Garbcrhighlights !hcprioriryof adv-AncingGod 's !rmh,lovc,andjus!icc "Whoever lives by the truth comes into the light. " '"Our knowing muu "'"""' God's knowing, "procbims S!al<')'L«-tureshipsl"'akcr Stn·cGarbc:r "Steven Garber's lectureon Christian resprynsibility has both enrouragedand challengedme in numerous ways. " -Michael Ferrigno - StevenGamer l1le Chrilli~n'lrc:spon<ibiliryinpoli<ics imp;tt:UA:ItQnMcrcerwhilc<!udyingun<kr Garba'atcachinginWuhingtonD.C. 49 -"'""'
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