2000 Miracle Yearbook
Senior.; h.-·~ th~ch~nc~ to u~ thdrgifts~ndabilitir:si nWh<:>'s Wh<:>Ch~pcl. jooathanWynnpmvi<kup«ialmi.Likasa w:ayof.haringwithun<krdusmcn:mdlWI'. ATune to Share Fifty some seniors named "Who's Who Among American College Students" pre· sented a chapel service to the student body with a memorable and challenging subject : living for an aud ience of One. The chapel also included some humorous videos of what some seniors would do if they had the ir wish at Cedarville. Th ro ugh role- play, d ramatiza- tion, and so ng, these students re- minded all in a t- tendance tha t the Lord Jesus Christ is that audience of One. If He is not pleased, the n worldly successes and earth ly gains C hrist above all else in life ech- oed throughout the presentation . The chapel ended appropriately with the song, "Knowing You." The chorussummarized themes- sage clearl y: "Knowing Yo u, Jesus, knowing You. There is no grea t er th ing. You're my all ; Yo u' re th e best; You're my JOy, my r i g h teo us- ness.. ." " [ was en - couraged to see thei r tes· timony on stage, but joe [Schc:nkattnnptstotilianin.dqnhlookata stud~nt'slif~h~"'atCN.>.rvill~C<:>ll~. by watching t heir l ives and see ing their dedica- theme tion to Jesus of placing the relationship with Christ," said junior Ben Gayer.
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