2000 Miracle Yearbook

remembering the cost of freedom Acconlmg w Dr. Du:oo, the Memnnal Da1• Chapelijerviceha.Jyrarlybrt•noneclthehnt memonal ser.•kes m the nauoo. Each Memo- nal Da1· durmg chapd. Cedar.· tile Coli~'<: had re<;~'lli:L....Ithc»r"·host·r.·edthrscountrymthr annedfoo::esinhoth""'anJpea<:e. Students chosen b1· Dr. ROO.,• led the memorral servi~ by foc..,;i~ on thn:so: wterans ...·ho ser.·eod durmg W(lfld War II. U~ing NBC anchor Tnm Bml:aw's ]>.o(,!.: The Grea!.I'JI GeneTanon.rhegmupK"CUL....Iquot:otionsfrom sewr.olveter.onswhofoo~:lumWW I I. They sharL....IthccxpcrrencesofthcGI,pil~.and se;nnan"·hon,;h-.lrhcirln·csfmtheircoumry. Scntor Br<:non Clmstof<:r. on<: of the studcru~ who led thc so.-"•icc,quotcd:mA<s.:.c iatc Pr..•ss .1\\0ti.lttc th:u sa id an :wer.oge of l,COO WWII vet<'r.rnsdrc<:achd;ty. Clmstof<:rS:tt<l. ~ l 'm thnnHulforthosewhog;wc thctrh•·L~50 th:tt ""<'cooiJ ha\"ethrfreedomd>arwe do. Th<•y dtdOOlL:nc:no·th.epeoplcwho""OOIJcnJO)'the frecJom thC"'j·pro\"ided. )-.:tthey g;we therr h,·csanl"""l'·· .l'mgladrhlttlhadtheorpor· tunny to .1ho...• In \" app«. .:tatioo m the M<:n>O> rmiD:t)'Chapelscr\'ice.~ The J<'remiah Oapel " 'liS ci"O'o\dxl with students, ' "ctcrans, and crtt:ensfrom the area. "'The Memorial Day O,apel pW"I·i<l<-...1 a j,'.I'Cat rcpresem:uion of WWII ''er.-mns.~ sa id sen tor O,risty Hdlin. ~I ]o,·ed the WWII er.o tnU>iC rh:u the symphonic band pbyed.H Th.- S)"mphonicband.ledbi' Mr.DiCuorci,play<..J whil<-prctur<-s fmmth<:SccondWorldW~r "·eredi;;phtyedonth<:scrcembchindth<:b:md. Amn•11ly,theMemorial[}r)·Ch:rf"ISCr.' IC<" in>rin...J ~ nation:•l rrid<.' in those who :ottL~ld. llocG:Jik.l,'e"~pn:u:lto.«tlutetho!ewhu h:ow .!o.."r'>.,..JuJthe:UTilll.-dfoo:c:ston~.L:cthisoJo.nltryfn...,. ~ lembersofche sy mphonicb.:tndli,-.,n up th~ ch~pel wich f:.mons m•rcha