2000 Miracle Yearbook

recognizing diligence and perseverance Sharon Wickhom rccciv.s the Libr:uy Scitna:ScholmhipAw.m.l 111iS•w•rd rccogni:eesAshlcy Bm>CS for kr Comm. Ans work. by<MIIooydAccounting A... ,.rd. " -a;;;;;- The Academic Honors Day Chapel recog- ni:ed student5 who had achieved ocadcmi· cally and spirit ua l!~·- Recipient5 included st u· dents in every depanmem. "It \\'aS a real honor to rcceh·e an award," said junior cOOI· rnunicntion am major Amanda Gillespie. Mit me;~nt a lotto me because it was a recogni tioo of 11-orking hard." junior Mike Ferrigno, who received the Joseph G. Halsey aw<lrd , com· mcmed. "I felt hon· ored . Dr. H~lscy's in- ,·ested a lot of time :mdcnergy inhisstu· dcnu ." Honors Day Chapel was held on thcFridayofParcnt5' Wcekcnd, as tradi · hard ll'ork and what God's done in my life," he s.1id. Bible major Scott Lehr received the IJ.wid G. C.1nine Award. Lehr plans on at· tendmg Dallas Thl-ologica l Seminary. Ml'd love to teach Bible in a public high school or secular university," he sa id. ~My goal is to ~hare Christ with people." Senior Lonnie Noh received the Nehemiah Engineering Award. He overcame significant ob;mclcs in doing so, managmg to gradunte on time despite an accident in the fall th~t cost him hi s leg. "It "'asn'teasy,''he sa id. "But I was prett y determined, andltriedtokcepa good attitude about it." Noh's accident h as c h anged his ccpt av•ards. Mit 11':15 excit ing for me and my mom," said Aa ron Mercer. Ml was thankful to God jason Hilg~man wu on~ of rwo r~ipi~n~J of the ~;~~~~;:c:d:i~ O.ford Uni•~rsiry PI'QS Scofidd 8ibk Aw;uds. prosthetics at the becau~ I sure didn't get it by my own ~li~w;~~~g';,:;: ::;:::~·~;I~~!t t::!: Hopefully, since I'm an amputee myself, I'll be :tble to design prosthetics better because I'll kllOIIo•wha tl nct'd."