2000 Miracle Yearbook
Senior Chapel As the year came quicklytoae loscfor the members of the graduating class of 2000. many c•·cnts transpired. signaling thecndoftheinimcat Ccdarvillc.Oncsuch c•·cntwasthcS...nior Chapel. Duri ng this annualchapclscr- vicc.thcscniorsshan.'dwith thcstudcmbodythcvarious lcssonsthatthcyhadlcamcd duringthcirfourycarsascol- lcge studcnts. The scn•ice bc:gan.allcra rousingchccrbythescnior class.withaskitthathadasct- upsimilartoatalkshow.Dur- ingthisskit.thc"host"'and her ··guest" discussed what lifchadbc:cnlikcforthcse- niors during their freshman ym Thcncxtscveralmcmbcrs oftheclasssharcdsomcofthe stealingofanorangcfrom the cafeteria. Following ..·asan:adcr's theatre that articulated the struggle thai many of them hadfaccdthalyearwilhthc qucstion."Sowhatan:yoo doing next yea«" Thc stu- dcntsinvol•·cdin lhisas- pcctofthc chapel scn·icc s hared how they had wrestled with the uncer- taintyofwhatlifcallcrcol- lege would hold for them and 1hc conclusion that theyhadcomclo. Thiscon- clusion " "11SihatGod is in control.andthathcwi111101 only go with them. but he willgobcfon:thcmaswcll. Someofthcscniorsalso shared OOwGod had shown hisgoodncsstothcmdur- ingtheiryearsatCcdarville Collcge.AitOOughthcyhad faccddifficulticsinthcirin- dividualli\•cs,thcywcrcablc toproclaimsinccrclythat God truly is good. Asthesc.viccdn:wtoa
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