2000 Miracle Yearbook

.E facuklJ Sd10o l of Enq ineer inq, N ur>s ing, & Science S uiving for excl' l lcncc in all tion, as wl'll as major corporations areas from ch..tractcr ro the highly respected C.::darville's School classroom, the dcp-Jrtmcnt of Engineering, Nunmg, and Sci- of Engineeri ng. Nursing. and Sci· cnce. cnce scrn-d ro prepare swdcnts for Jay Tallada\'• a senior Ml'Ch:mi- their futures as professionals. cal Enginttr. s:~ id thm Mmajor cor· The infamous c;udbo.1rd c~moc por:uions apprec i:~tc the :nnoum of mcc across Cedar L-.kc introduced time the students must spend in the first year engineering s tudl.'n ts to t:.b. Although l didn't apprt'Cia tc the pr()fl:r:lm. Hands-on experi ences, b bs :u the time, the two im.::rnships such as the pre-med . stud<'nts' l:tb I' ve had ha\'l' bel;,n in :1 lab sett ing, work :md the nurs<.'S' clinic:..ls, :tiOC'<l and my experiences at C<.-d:•rvil le in acquai nt ing aspiri ng enginee r· prepa red me we ll ." ing, nun>ing, and science ~~•jon w11h While the school requirt.-d top- their fields. qua liry performance from the 5HL- Bt.-c:•use o( how wdl the dcp:tn · dems in each department o( ENS, ment prepa red these stuJ cntl; be· the j..•Oa ] to bring honor to the Cre- ginni ng whh their flrs t core daS5Cs, ator and m:1ke a difference in the ot her institutions of higher educ:t·