2000 Miracle Yearbook

faculty Sdoool of Heo ltl, ond li wnon Peofonnonce l? Schoolof l-lealchandHuman phy:skal, and imelleoctual de•"<:lopmem erknn.~c-.a ..-as hon>eto chel)q!;m- of each cndi••idualchrough the medium of m ofExcrccsc and Spon Sctence ph}'Sccal and imellecwal acth·u~. wnhin as well astht'Athletccs Oep.utmt'ru.Cur- the aca.kmic offerings and particip:uion rend}' 250 athlctl'S p:cncccp;ncd m the colle~oe's 14 dofferem varsny imcn:ollc· facultyandscafhoensun::chactheeduca· giatcspons. Thel)cp.1ttmcmofExcrd~ tion the scOOcnt:> r~-cein>d " 'as one of andSportScc.;,nces..-rved72 studcms who excellence rookpaninva rlous:othlct icactivitics throughout theirccmcac Cedal"'illc Col- Ca llan. He had been at Q..:larvillc for lege. OVI.'t 40 1·ears. Or. Callan was also the The School of Hcahh and Human Perforntance offered iu swdcms a qual i1y 1995. John McGillivray wa$!he ch~innan educa1ion . The School o/ Hcahh & Hu- oi1he O.:parlmcm of Exercise and Spon man l'erform.-u"Ke50Ughi!Opnw!Jc a I r. /\get and Don Ricbrd JW5 ouc<t.Omut;~to$ludenuinchapd